Aspergers is High Functioning autism. This means that although I'm autistic it doesn't mean that I have any difficulties with my learning. I'm really lucky about that but it does mean that I am really easily distracted by things that don't bother other people.

It makes me really imaginative and creative because I don't look at things in the same way as most people. Loads of famous artists, writers, actors and scientists have Aspergers.

I do have some problems with social stuff like understanding peoples facial expressions and how they might be feeling in different situations.

When I do get stuff wrong socially it can make me feel a bit embarrassed. If this happens it can make me seem really cross but really I'm just worried about stuff.

I find changes and unexpected things in the day really difficult to cope with and this can make me very very anxious.

Some days I get home from school and I'm so tired that I just want to go to bed. Sadly my Aspergers makes it really difficult for me to sleep because my brain is too active. I'm often very tired which doesn't help.

I also make funny noises when I'm stressed out - I just can't help this.

When I'm anxious I can also make funny faces. I can't help this either and I don't know when I'm doing this. Sometimes people think I might be being mean to them because I am making faces but it's just part of my autism.

Asperger's also means that I have some difficulty with my hearing. Some sounds are really really loud and at other times I can't actually hear people talking to me because if I'm busy looking at something, my brain is concentrating on that. I'm not being rude or ignoring you it's just that I find it hard to take information in with my eyes and my ears at the same time.

I'm also really sensitive to temperature so if I get really cold or I get really hot this can really stress me out because it jumbles my brain.

Funny background noises that you might not even notice can really distract me and bright lights really hurt my eyes.